Portrait of Dr Hoa, an extraordinary woman who was a minister in the South Vietnamese revolutionary government. Her life is a battle, and that battle is a pleasure. During the war she is at times imprisoned and at times a member of the resistance. She tells Jocelyne Saab about her experiences.


Director: Jocelyne Saab, DOP: Patrick Blossier, sound: Pierre Doussot, production: ADR Production, copyright: Jocelyne Saab Association.

Jocelyne Saab’s word…

I like powerful legends and stories: as soon as I was told, at Saigon, that “the history of Vietnam wouldn’t be the same if we had had two Doctor Hoas”, I became convinced that I needed, at any cost, to direct a film about the remarkable destiny of this female doctor, a bourgeoise who had joined the maquis of Hô Chi Minh in 1968.