Dunia is a meditation on female desire, a notoriously taboo subject in the Arab world, especially in the Egyptian society where the film takes place Driven by the powerful eroticism of Arab poetry and music, the film talks about love and desire through the experience of a young woman traditionally and strictly educated

the film talks about love and desire through the experience of a young woman traditionally and strictly educated The film portrays the trauma provoked by female genital mutilation (which, according to UNICEF, Amnesty International and PNUD reports, still affected 97% of women in Egypt in 2003).


Director : Jocelyne Saab
Scénario : Jocelyne Saab
Image : Jacques Bouquin
Montage : Claude Reznic
Son : Fawzi Thabet
Musique : Jean-Pierre Mas, Patrick Leygonie
Distribution : Hanan Turk, Mohamed Mounir, Fathy Abdel Wahab, Sawsan Badr, Youssef Ismail, Ayda Reyad, Khaled El Sawi
Production : Catherine Dussart, Jocelyne Saab
Droits de diffusion : Association Jocelyne Saab.